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  • City of Windsor
    The City of Windsor, located on the south bank of the Detroit River, is the southernmost city in Canada. Culturally diverse, rich in industrial and manufacturing heritage, Windsor attracts those seeking a peaceful yet thriving community.
  • Windsor Essex Development Corporation
    The WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation, led by a board of community leaders, is a not-for-profit organization supported by the City of Windsor and the County of Essex. It is responsible for advancing economic development, developing and executing strategies to attract, retain, and expand business in the region.
  • Windsor-Essex Region Chamber of Commerce
    The Windsor-Essex Region Chamber of Commerce has been the voice of businesses and professionals in this community for over 143 years, acting as their advocate at the municipal, provincial and federal levels of government for advancing the interest of business in Windsor-Essex.
  • Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island
    Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island is the official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for the regional tourism industry. It is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting, promoting and selling Windsor, Essex and Pelee Island as a world-class destination for not only tourists, but also for business travelers.

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