You are not permitted to use the Downtown Windsor BIA website’s Site or its content other than for non-commercial purposes. For purposes of this Section, all references to “you” or “your” shall mean you, the individual or organization accessing this Site in your capacity as a Job Seeker. The Downtown Windsor BIA website may provide functionality to call a telephone number contained in a Job Ad using the phone app on a mobile device. The Downtown Windsor BIA website cannot guarantee that the extracted phone number is the correct phone number for the Employer or for the Job Ad you are viewing. Searching for Job Ads on the Downtown Windsor BIA website is free for Job Seekers. Job Ads are created and provided by third parties over whom the Downtown Windsor BIA exercises no control; you acknowledge and understand that the Downtown Windsor BIA website has no control over the content of Job Ads, links to or from Job Ads, or any conditions third parties might impose once a Job Seeker has submitted an application or left the Site. For example, some of these third parties may attempt to charge Job Seekers a fee to apply to a particular job, although the Downtown Windsor BIA endeavours not to make such Job Ads available on the Site. If you leave the Downtown Windsor BIA website and choose to enter a third-party website, you accept any terms and conditions imposed by that third-party. You acknowledge and agree that the Downtown Windsor BIA has no control over any Employer or their respective website. The Downtown Windsor BIA website has no obligation to screen any Job Ads, or to include any Job Ads, in its search results or other listings, and may exclude or remove any Job Ads from the Site or your search result for any or no reason. You understand and agree that The Downtown Windsor BIA website has no obligation to present you with any or all Job Ads. We cannot confirm the accuracy or completeness of any Job Ad or other information submitted by any Employer or other user, including the identity of such Employer or other user. The Downtown Windsor BIA assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Job Ads, Company Pages, screener questions and responses, and assessments. Additionally, the Downtown Windsor BIA website may provide search options to narrow down Job Ads search results by job type categories (i.e. full-time, part-time, etc.), and such categories are created independently and entirely by The Downtown Windsor BIA website, and may not directly or accurately reflect the content of the Job Ads. The Downtown Windsor BIA website may reformat Job Listings so that you may read them more clearly on a mobile phone. Placement of a Job Ad on the Downtown Windsor BIA website is not a representation regarding the nature of the role for legal purposes. The Downtown Windsor BIA website IS NOT compensated by employers who post Job Ads. The Downtown Windsor site contains all the information known to the DWBIA. DWBIA staff have NO additional information pertaining to the job ad except for what is posted on the Downtown Windsor website. For more details contact the Member business directly