NFL Draft

Experience the excitement of the NFL Draft here in Windsor!

With Detroit gearing up to host the NFL Draft from April 25 to 27, 2024, the City of Windsor has answered the call to get in on the buzz!

As the most prominent event on the NFL calendar, Detroit’s celebrations will stretch from Campus Martius to Hart Plaza. The events are estimated to capture the attention of over 60 million viewers globally.

And in a show of solidarity with our neighbours, we plan to enhance this thrill by organizing various local activities and events. Come join us as we bring the essence and grandeur of the NFL Draft across the river and celebrate with our international community!

Windsor’s NFL Draft Party – April 27th, Noon to 6:00 PM
Windsor City Hall, 350 City Hall Square W
Celebrate the spirit of football at Windsor’s ultimate NFL Draft Party, taking place on the front lawn of City Hall on April 27th from noon until 6:00 pm. This event promises a day packed with thrilling activities and fan experiences suitable for all ages.

NFL Canada Fan Experience

Immerse yourself in the NFL universe with interactive games, hands-on activities, and unique photo opportunities.

NFL Player Appearances

Meet NFL greats Luke Willson, Brett Romberg, Dakoda Shepley, O.J. Atogwe and Ed Philion. Stay tuned for the full schedule of appearances.

Brought to you by: The City of Windsor, Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island, Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association, NFL, LiUNA!625, Unifor Local 444, St. Clair College Saints Athletics, Rocket Companies, and Hogan's Printing

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