The following terms and conditions apply to all Employers and other users who access or use the Site as intended for individuals and/or organizations seeking to make available information regarding employment openings, on their behalf or other’s behalf, including but not limited to agencies purchasing for multiple parties, or otherwise indicate their acceptance to this Agreement. This free service is available to Members of the DWBIA. For purposes of this disclosure, all references to “you” or “your” shall mean you, the individual or organization accessing this Site in your capacity as an Employer. You understand and agree that there is no protection for any information you share or data that you transmit while participating in virtual or in-person interviews including, but not limited to, audio/visual content, interview questions and answers, or your image or likeness. You acknowledge and agree that the Downtown Windsor BIA is not responsible for vetting the authenticity of any applicant, or for securing or protecting any data or information that you share or transmit to applicants in the course of job interviews or employment. The Downtown Windsor BIA assumes no liability for the misuse of any data you share or transmit. You further agree that the Downtown Windsor BIA is not responsible for maintaining or storing any application or applicant Job Seeker materials, and that you are responsible for your own compliance with any applicable record retention requirements. You are responsible for the contents of your emails, application form, screener questions and their format, Pages that you create, any Job Listings that you post, and any messages that you send through The Downtown Windsor BIA Website. You agree that The Downtown Windsor BIA is not responsible for such content and disclaims all liability for such content, including as to whether such content is legal. You agree that The Downtown Windsor BIA may reject or remove any Job Listing, any part of any Company Page, or any questions for Job Seekers for any or no reason. The Downtown Windsor BIA further does not guarantee delivery, your receipt of the Job Seeker’s emails or application materials, or that there will be no mistakes in the transmission or storage of the data. You understand and agree that you access and use the Downtown Windsor job portal at your own discretion and risk and that the Downtown Windsor BIA disclaims all liability arising out of your use of the service. You agree that the Downtown Windsor BIA assumes no liability in regards to the accuracy of any statements made by Job Seekers, and that you are fully responsible for vetting the accuracy of any information and in any dealings with a Job Seeker.*