Downtown Khan Courts – Online Booking

Downtown Khan Courts – Online Booking

General Booking Terms

  • A signed copy of the terms and conditions and the date-hold deposit of 50% of the Rental Fee (the “Deposit”) must be received to reserve the Renter’s date(s) and time(s).
  • The balance of the Rental Fee is due seventy-two (72) hours prior to the event (“Event”).
  • All payments must be made out to the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association.
  • If the Event is cancelled more than thirty (30) days before the Event Date, any Deposit will be refunded. If the Event is cancelled fifteen (15) to thirty (30) days before the Event Date, fifty (50%) percent of the Deposit will be refunded. No refunds will be given on any Deposit if the Event is cancelled less than fifteen (15) days before the Event Date.
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