Board of Directors Election

Board of Directors Election

It’s time to vote!

On November 29, you as a member of the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association are encouraged to participate in the elections process for the 2022-2026 Board of Directors.

We asked for nominations and you came through. You chose 19 committed, compassionate community leaders to ensure that the future of the core is bright, thriving, and magnificent.

The candidates are:

We ask you to exercise your right to be part of the strategic direction of the downtown core, voting in each category. The candidates you select should take an active and positive role in the growth and vibrancy of downtown Windsor through service with the DWBIA and its membership, speaking on your behalf to continue to facilitate activity and conversation between stakeholders – you as a member business, the City of Windsor, the arts and culture community, and government agencies, as well as the residents and visitors to the core.

Voting takes place on November 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Hive, 531 Pelissier St., Unit 2.

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